9:00 a.m. - Sunday School
10:00 a.m. - Worship (Contemporary Music on most Second Sundays)
12:30 p.m. - Christ for All Nations
2501 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306

Connect with the Community

Rebuilding Together


Repairing Homes — Rebuilding Lives

Rebuilding Together - Arlington/Fairfax/ Falls Church (RT- AFF) provides much-needed home repairs, accessibility modifications, and energy-efficient upgrades to the homes of seniors, persons with disabilities, and families in need in our church community. We rely heavily on the generous financial support of businesses, organizations, and individuals, combined with the investment of time and talent from concerned community members. By working together, we can create a safe and healthy home for every person we assist. We usually have about a dozen relatively easy to moderately difficult tasks, both inside and outside a home, to complete on our assigned day. Materials and tools are provided.

Participants must be 14+ years of age—a great way to earn community service hours for high-school requirements.

Light breakfast items are provided during the morning “huddle” at Bethany. Then our Fellowship team usually provides lunch.

We would like to have a full-day time commitment, but will gladly accept whatever time you can share with us. Help serve someone in need in our community! ALL skill levels are welcome and encouraged to join us!

For more information email office@bethany-lcms.org.

Grate Patrol


Bethany Lutheran Church’s Outreach to the Homeless

The Bethany community participates with the Salvation Army’s Grate Patrol on a monthly basis to help feed homeless people in Washington, DC.

On the second Saturday of every month, at the home of George and Mary B. Stoll in Alexandria, we make soup and sandwiches for 80-100 people. We then transport the food to the Harbor Light Center in Northeast DC, where the Salvation Army provides a canteen truck and driver. From there, we go to several stops around Capitol Hill and the White House to distribute food and share the Gospel with people living on the street.

This is a wonderful opportunity for our community to allow God to stretch us and help us become more like His Son. Stepping out in faith when we feel unsure of what to say or how to interact is a great way to learn how similar we all are. Praying with someone who faces challenges we may not ever know is a humbling experience.

Come and join the group preparing the food! That’s the easy part – it just takes your time. And you can have fun with others from the Bethany community. Then come downtown and have the experience of looking into the eyes of the people receiving your help. It is an experience that God will use to change you!

For more information email office@bethany-lcms.org.

Bethany Breadbasket!

You too can help Bethany members feed the hungry in our area! Each Sunday, members bring non-perishable food items to place in the food basket in the church entranceway.

We deliver these to United Community Ministries, which distributes these items to agencies in our community so that our less fortunate brothers and sisters can eat.

Since November 2017, we are excited to say that we have donated over 7734 lbs. to UCM!

Thank you for all your help! Let’s keep it going and continue to make a difference in the community!

For more information, call 703-765-8255 or e-mail office@bethany-lcms.org.


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Bethany Lutheran Church, Alexandria, Virginia
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
2501 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306
©2025 Bethany Lutheran Church - All Rights Reserved
Website Design and Hosting by DH WEB - www.dhwebsites.com