Saturday 3-21-2020
Today, we put out take home Sunday School packets with a lesson, coloring and story pages. Feel free to grab a packet in the plastic bin outside of the Education Wing (Preschool entrance). I will be working with families to continue our First Communion and Confirmation instruction at home.
Our worship will be live at the usual time. Remember, we are asking you to please watch from home. We have service recordings available for our shut-ins and we can make one for whoever is not able to see our worship, online. Let us remember and keep the Lord's Day as holy by dedicating time to hear His Word and lift up our prayers. Links to watch worship and read the church bulletin are on our website's home page.
Note: even if you do not have a Facebook account, you can still view our church's page. If you have issues watching the webcam, switch over to the Facebook page. We are doing our best to make this a worshipful experience even if we are online, so please give us your feedback after watching.
"I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." - Psalm 121
Grace and peace,
- Pastor Jagow
Thursday 3-19-2020
The video from our worship, last night, has been posted on our Facebook page. While you are there, you can request to join our new Facebook group as way for us to keep in touch and share prayer requests and community needs.
The BLCP staff are working from home and coming in for essential work, only. Call ahead if you need anything in the office (703-765-8255) or email us.
Wednesday 3-18-2020
Greetings, Bethany Family. Later, this afternoon, you will recieve an important Enews with a letter from Church President Dean Lohmeyer concerning some changes that were made to the church schedule, going forward. Tonight, we are asking the Bethany family to please watch our worship service from home this evening at 7:30 p.m.. The worship will feature some familiar hymns that we hope you will enjoy and sing while you watch. The worship folder, a copy of the attached letter, and links to both our webcam and Facebook Live feeds will be on the home page of, later this afternoon and our Facebook page –
Things seem to change each day, if not each hour, so please stay tuned even as we all stay in prayer, together.
God’s peace be with you all!
-Pastor Jagow
Saturday 3-14-2020
Bethany Lutheran Church & Preschool is committed to providing a safe environment for those who come to worship and attend the Preschool. Efforts are underway to deep-clean and disinfect surfaces throughout the building, and online worship alternatives are being developed in the event that we have to close. We will continue to monitor the situation and take our lead from Fairfax County. Please see information below.
CURRENTLY BETHANY LUTHERAN PRESCHOOL IS CLOSED per the order issued by Virginia Governor on Friday, March 13.
BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY, MARCH 15. Our schedule of Sunday School at 8:45 a.m. and worship at 10. CFAN, our International Outreach, will be meeting at 1 p.m.. We will be implementing some new safety measures during worship. The CDC and Fairfax County Health Department recommend that anyone who is at a higher risk of infection take stronger measures to prevent getting sick, which may include social distancing from any public gatherings, such as a church service. People who are at high risk include...
People who are at higher risk of getting very sick from coronavirus include [information provided by the Fairfax County Department of Health]:
IF SMALL GROUPS AND MEETINGS ARE CANCELLED: Some Bethany small groups are suspending activities to care for those who may be at risk and practicing social distancing. Please check with the group leaders for any updates on future meeting times. An effort will be made to update the Web site regularly and send out e-mails to notify the congregation of any cancelled meetings.
LINK TO FAIRFAX COUNTY SCHOOLS UPDATES: This link will take you to the page of updates for Fairfax County Schools. Below, the next two paragraphs are found under the FAQ section and the question: “Is my child at risk?” Along with our children, we also want to show concern for those who are most at risk.
The risk of COVID-19 infection for students and for the U.S. population in general is considered by the CDC to be low. Specific questions may be directed to the Communicable Disease Nurse at the FCHD during business hours. The phone number is 703-267-3511.
During the winter season, many other viruses that cause respiratory illness, such as flu, are common. Precautions that are recommended for avoiding colds, flu, and other respiratory illnesses include good respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene: covering coughs and sneezes, washing hands frequently, and staying home when sick.
FAIRFAX COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: This site has regular updates as the virus is tracked through our county.