9:00 a.m. - Sunday School
10:00 a.m. - Worship (Contemporary Music on most Second Sundays)
12:30 p.m. - Christ for All Nations
2501 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306

Visiting Bethany Lutheran Church for the First Time!

Hello and welcome to Bethany! I’m Pastor Andy Jagow, and I invite you to visit our church, a place where we love to worship God and celebrate the love of Jesus in our lives.

If this is your first time visiting us, I hope this will answer any questions you may have.


Our address is 2501 Beacon Hill Road in Alexandria, Virginia, which is approximately four miles south of Washington, DC’s Capital Beltway. The entrances into the building  are wheelchair accessible 


On Sunday mornings, we have a few reserved parking spots for our visitors. If you are visiting on Christmas Eve or Easter Sunday, come a little early and enjoy the special festival music we play before those services.


Our sanctuary is straight ahead through the front door. We have two main services, at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., plus special services throughout the year. You can find out more by clicking on the WORSHIP page of our Website.


As you enter our church, our greeters will be on hand to offer you a bulletin for the service and provide you with any assistance you may need. They will be happy to direct you, but I can show you a few quick things you may find useful.


To the left of the sanctuary door is the nursery, where we welcome children up to five years old. If you wish to take advantage of the nursery, the attendant will ask you to sign your child in when you arrive and out when you pick him/her up after the service.


As you look to the right of the sanctuary doors,you will find restrooms, a coat rack, and a visitors’ table with some free literature to take with you. At the end of the hallway is our education wing, which is where we have Sunday School on Sundays and Preschool during the week.


The entrance by the playground is for Bethany’s Education Wing and the Bethany Lutheran Preschool. On Sunday morning, you can join the Sunday School opening at 8:45 a.m., held in the firstroom on the right as you go in. After the opening, we offer Sunday School for all ages, and someone will be there to direct you to the class in which you are interested. Come early and enjoy some refreshments prepared every week by our Church Fellowship team!


And that’s pretty much it! It’s not a large area, but if you need anything or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask our greeters and ushers, who will be stationed by the sanctuary doors before the 10 a.m. service. At other times and places, just find the nearest person,who will be happy to direct you.

Thank you, and may God bless your visit to Bethany Lutheran Church and Preschool!


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Bethany Lutheran Church, Alexandria, Virginia
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
2501 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306
©2025 Bethany Lutheran Church - All Rights Reserved
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