9:00 a.m. - Sunday School
10:00 a.m. - Worship (Contemporary Music on most Second Sundays)
12:30 p.m. - Christ for All Nations
2501 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306

Maundy Thursday

April 18, 2019

On the night He was betrayed, the disciples of Jesus had a lot of questions. They asked, “Is it I?” when Jesus revealed that one of them was a traitor. In response to what Jesus told them was going to happen, they asked, “What is this?” In the midst of those questions, Jesus takes bread and blesses it and says, “This is My Body.” So, we ask today, “What is this bread?” and “What does this mean for us?”

Read the sermon. 


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Bethany Lutheran Church, Alexandria, Virginia
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
2501 Beacon Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22306
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